"Ombra de Lúa" is a project led by Jordi Gaspar (bass) and Rubén Fernández(vocals), two performers with a relevant career in the world of jazz in Spain. With this album they put another seed in their paths and develop original music and lyrics where they explore jazz from a lyrical and intimate point of view. Thanks to the concept of quartet training with two other great performers, Xosé Miguélez (saxophone) and Max Gómez (drums), they manage to get that same music to gain a strongly rhythmic and dynamic component, as well as original in terms of concept of quartet without piano or guitar. The line-up, with voice, saxophone, bass and drums, becomes a constant flow of communication that takes the music to places of intensity and energy that could recall the features of the experimental John Zorn, and other placid and melancholy that could look like brushstrokes from the minimalist Erik Satie.

Cercano-Ourense, 2022
Cercano - Ourense, dic-2022


☝ 24/1/2023; José Nebot (Aeropuerto Jazz Café 0599):
  24/1/2023, "Aos Trasgos" (m 27:42).

☝ 31/12/2022, Moncho (El Cercano, Ourense): "El cuarteto se entregó totalmente al público que desde el lunes completaba el aforo de la sala con cincuenta personas que no mueven un papel durante el concierto, cosa que se agradece enormemente. "
 Ombra de Lúa y hasta el año que viene, elcercano.com, per Moncho (es)

Ombra de Lúa

Reproductor de Audio 1

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Jordi Gaspar



Rubén Fernández

